Funnel Chart with detail page faceting.(Bonus!: reordering stagenames w/o showing ordering field)3/5/2023 Below is SAQL code to create a funnel chart based on Stagename and also facet the segment into a table widget.The four different filters creates a separate datastrem to pick out specific rows (q,q2,q3,q4). The 'result=order result by OrdStage orders the rows and then generates the regular stage name.
q = load "x_Appl2Participation"; q2=filter q by 'Appl2Participation.Name' is not null; q3 = filter q by 'Appl2Participation.Status__c' == "Referred" ; q4 = filter q by 'Appl2Participation.contact2Appl.Actual_Start_Date__c' is not null; q = group q by 'Contact_Name__c'; q=foreach q generate 'Contact_Name__c',unique('Contact_Name__c') as 'Totals'; q1=group q by all; q1=foreach q1 generate "Attended" as 'Stage',count() as 'Totals'; q2 = group q2 by 'Contact_Name__c'; q2=foreach q2 generate 'Contact_Name__c' as 'Contact_Name__c',unique('Contact_Name__c') as 'Totals'; q2=group q2 by all; q2=foreach q2 generate "Applied" as 'Stage', count() as 'Totals'; q3=group q3 by all; q3=foreach q3 generate "Referred" as 'Stage', count() as 'Totals'; q4=group q4 by 'Contact_Name__c'; q4=foreach q4 generate unique('Contact_Name__c') as 'Totals'; q4=group q4 by all; q4=foreach q4 generate "Hired" as 'Stage',count() as 'Totals'; result=union q1,q2,q3,q4; result=group result by 'Stage'; result=foreach result generate 'Stage' as 'Stage', (case when 'Stage'=="Hired" then "4-Hired" when 'Stage'=="Attended" then "1-Attended" when 'Stage'=="Applied" then "2-Applied" when 'Stage'=="Referred" then "3-Referred" end) as 'OrdStage',sum('Totals') as 'Totals'; result=order result by 'OrdStage'asc; result=foreach result generate 'Stage' as 'Stage',sum('Totals') as 'Totals'; CODE BELOW IS FOR THE TABLE WIDGET WITH FUNNEL_2 beign the name of the above funnel chart. q = load "x_Appl2Participation"; q2=filter q by 'Appl2Participation.Name' is not null; q3 = filter q by 'Appl2Participation.Status__c' == "Referred" ; q4 = filter q by 'Appl2Participation.contact2Appl.Actual_Start_Date__c' is not null; q = group q by 'Contact_Name__c'; q=foreach q generate "Attended" as 'Stage', 'Contact_Name__c'; q2 = group q2 by 'Contact_Name__c'; q2=foreach q2 generate "Applied" as 'Stage','Contact_Name__c' as 'Contact_Name__c'; q3=foreach q3 generate "Referred" as 'Stage','Contact_Name__c' as 'Contact_Name__c'; q4=group q4 by 'Contact_Name__c'; q4=foreach q4 generate "Hired" as 'Stage','Contact_Name__c' as 'Contact_Name__c'; result=union q,q2,q3,q4; result2=filter result by 'Stage' =="{{column(funnel_2.selection, ["Stage"]).asObject()}}"; result2=foreach result2 generate 'Stage' as 'Stage', 'Contact_Name__c' as 'Contact_Name__c'; Most implementations in Einstein Analytics/CRMa start off with data profiling and clean-up. A typical use-care might be to audit an instance, figure out the list of CRMA assets and devide which ones to delete, preserve or modify. There is a tool called workbench which gives a CRMA dev/admin a quicker way to list these assets. Here are sample get/post statments.
Step 1: Start workbench Step 2: login using current salesforce instance credentials. Step 3: Get to the main workbench page and issue get/post,etc. Here are some examples Code below is for calculating 'prior period' and 'prior year'..somewhat tricky beause it is based on a primary data filter where user picks a varying range of date values--eg. current year, or 4 months to 3 months ago, or 2 months ago to today,etc.. Code for prior year just picks the starting date and ending date and moves it 1 year back.. plain and simple. The prior period calculates time elapsed (ex 4 to 5 months ago is 30 days) . It takes the startign DAte, offsets it by one day, then calculates back for 30 days (using above example)
q = load \"x_LS_Invoice_Volume\";\nq= filter q by {{row(Date_2.selection,[0],[\"min\",\"max\"]).asDateRange(\"date('Date_Year', 'Date_Month', 'Date_Day')\")}};q1 = foreach q generate 'LOB2' as 'lob2','Account.Type' as 'ty','Date' as 'invdt','Date_sec_epoch' as 'sec',toDate('Date_sec_epoch'- 31470526 ) as 'YrAgo', 'Date_sec_epoch'- 86400 as 'yesterday';\nq2=foreach q1 generate'invdt' as 'invDt','sec' as 'sec', 'YrAgo' as 'YrAgo','yesterday' as 'Yesterday';\nq3=group q2 by all;\nq3=foreach q3 generate min('sec') as 'StartingDtSec',max('sec') as 'EndingDtSec',toDate(min('sec')) as 'StartingDt',toDate(max('sec')) as 'EndingDt', min('YrAgo') as'StartingPrevYrDt',max('YrAgo') as 'EndingPrevYrDt',min('Yesterday') as 'PeriodEnd_seconds',toDate(min('Yesterday')) as 'PeriodEndDate';\nq4 = foreach q3 generate 'StartingDt' as 'StartingDt','StartingDtSec'as 'StartingDtSec','EndingDtSec' as 'EndingDtSec', 'EndingDt' as 'EndingDt', 'StartingPrevYrDt' as 'StartingPrevYrDt', 'EndingPrevYrDt' as 'EndingPrevYrDt','PeriodEnd_seconds' as 'PeriodEnd_seconds', 'PeriodEndDate' as 'PeriodEndDate',date_diff(\"day\",toDate('StartingDtSec'),toDate('EndingDtSec')) as 'delta';\nq5 = foreach q4 generate 'StartingDt' as 'StartingDt', 'EndingDt' as 'EndingDt','StartingDtSec'as 'StartingDtSec','EndingDtSec' as 'EndingDtSec', 'StartingPrevYrDt' as 'StartingPrevYrDt', 'EndingPrevYrDt' as 'EndingPrevYrDt', date_to_epoch('StartingPrevYrDt')as 'StartingPrevYrDt_seconds',date_to_epoch('EndingPrevYrDt')+ 86400 as 'EndingPrevYrDt_seconds', 'PeriodEnd_seconds' as 'PeriodEnd_seconds', 'PeriodEndDate' as 'PeriodEndDate','delta' as 'delta',toDate(date_to_epoch('StartingDt') - 86400 * 'delta' )as 'PeriodStartDt',date_to_epoch('StartingDt') - 86400 * 'delta' as 'PeriodStartDt_seconds'; q1 = filter q by {{column(timeStampText_4.selection,["Snapshot1"]).asEquality('timeStampText')}};
q1 = filter q1 by date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day') in {{cell(static_2.selection,0,"Valu").asString()}}; q2 = filter q by {{column(timeStampText_5.selection,["Snapshot2"]).asEquality('timeStampText')}}; q2 = filter q2 by date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day') in {{cell(q_FY2_1.selection,0,"Valu").asString()}}; result = group q1 by '{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}' full, q2 by '{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}'; result = foreach result generate coalesce(q1.'{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}', q2.'{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}' ) as '{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}', round(sum(q1.'Amt'),0) as 'Pipeline1 Amt',round(sum(q2.'Amt'), 0) as 'Pipeline2 Amt', round((sum(q1.'Amt')- sum(q2.'Amt')), 0) as 'Difference'; result = order result by ('{{column(static_1.selection, ["Valu"]).asObject()}}'asc); q3 = filter q by {{column(timeStampText_4.selection,["Snapshot1"]).asEquality('timeStampText')}}; q3 = filter q3 by date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day') in {{cell(static_2.selection,0,"Valu").asString()}}; q4 = filter q by {{column(timeStampText_5.selection,["Snapshot2"]).asEquality('timeStampText')}}; q4 = filter q4 by date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day') in {{cell(q_FY2_1.selection,0,"Valu").asString()}}; Great article on CRMA vs. Native Salesforce reporting.
So client wants 2 snapshot dates populated . Snap1 is the most recent snapshot--easy enough to accomplish by a query sorted in ascending order which takes the most recent one and puts it in snap1list selector. The 2nd snapdate is 1 year back. This can be done by populating the 'start' attribute in dashboard JSON with a results from query 'q_oneYrBack_1'.
"start": "{{cell(q_oneYrBack_1.result,0,\"sd2\").asString()}}" "q_oneYrBack_1": { "broadcastFacet": true, "groups": [], "label": "q_oneYrBack", "numbers": [], "query": "q = load \"zds_completeOpptys_v2\";\nq = filter q by date('SnapshotStamp_Year', 'SnapshotStamp_Month', 'SnapshotStamp_Day') in [\"365 days ago\"..\"365 days ago\"];\nq= group q by 'SnapshotStamp';\nq = foreach q generate 'SnapshotStamp' as 'sd', substr('SnapshotStamp',2,10) as 'sd2';", "receiveFacetSource": { Sd2 resolved to text in yyyy-MM-dd format (hence the 10 character string in the substr function). AS a followup to the March 3, 2021 blog regarding creating a flex-grid where the pivots are dynamic.. sorta like OLAP. Below is code for using saql as opposed to aggregate. Here is a snip of the custom query. Pay attention to the saql column and notice the ' ' on the API names. After it is the snip of the saql query.
q = load \"x_MasterSalesData\";\nq = group q by ({{column(static_2.selection,[\"saql\"]).asObject()}});\nq = foreach q generate {{column(static_2.selection,[\"saql\"]).asObject()}}, count() as 'count';\n" so let's say you have 'due Date' and you want to see it in week-year format.. ex "2-2022" or 54 - 2022. One of the ways it can be achieved ,in addition to dashboaard xmd? is to use multi datastream. In example below, the q2 datastream highlights the ww-yyyy format.
q = load "TaskWithDetails"; q = group q by ('ActivityDate_Year', 'ActivityDate_Week'); q = foreach q generate 'ActivityDate_Year' + "~~~" + 'ActivityDate_Week' as 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Week', 'ActivityDate_Week' + "~~~" + 'ActivityDate_Year' as 'ActivityDate_Week~~~ActivityDate_Year',count() as 'count'; q = order q by 'ActivityDate_Year~~~ActivityDate_Week' asc; q2 = foreach q generate 'ActivityDate_Week~~~ActivityDate_Year' as 'ActivityDate_Week~~~ActivityDate_Year', count() as 'count'; |