There are several key differences between dataflows and recipes and I will be going over a few of them.
#1) slight variation in case statements: Dataflows: case when Grade_High__c == “13th ” then 13 when Grade_High__c == “14th ” then 14 else 0 end Recipes: case when Grade_High__c = ‘13th’ then 13 when Grade_High__c = ‘14th’ then 14 else 0 end #2) Creating outer/inner joins more straightforward in recipes using selection buttons. Be careful to distinguish between ‘lookups’ and left joins. (hint: lookups return the first instance of matching rows while left outer returns all.. #3) Data preview INSIDE the recipe reduces the need to create intermediate datasets to verify contents of dataset as it goes thru the different transformations.
case when 'Dept_Chair_Acct__c' =="true" then "https://xxxxxxx/file-asset/checkboxtickpng1" else "https://xxxxxxxx/file-asset/checkboxuntickpng1"
end Q_runrates_1
q = load "Fiscal_Calendar1"; q = group q by 'Fiscal_Year'; q = foreach q generate 'Fiscal_Year' as 'Fiscal_Year', count() as 'count'; q = order q by 'Fiscal_Year' asc; q = limit q 2000; Q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1 < this query takes todays date and buckets it in correct FY bins q = load \"Fiscal_Calendar1\";\nq = group q by ('Date', 'Fiscal_Year', 'Fiscal_Quarter', 'Fiscal_Month_Number_Month', 'Fiscal_Month', 'Fiscal_Week');\n q = foreach q generate (date_to_string(now(),\"MM/dd/yyyy\")) as 'Today', 'Date' as 'Date', 'Fiscal_Year' as 'Fiscal_Year', 'Fiscal_Quarter' as 'Fiscal_Quarter', 'Fiscal_Month_Number_Month' as 'Fiscal_Month_Number_Month', 'Fiscal_Month' as 'Fiscal_Month', 'Fiscal_Week' as 'Fiscal_Week';\n q = foreach q generate 'Today', 'Date' as 'Date', 'Fiscal_Year', 'Fiscal_Quarter', 'Fiscal_Month_Number_Month', 'Fiscal_Month', 'Fiscal_Week'; \nq = filter q by 'Date' == 'Today';\ nq = foreach q generate 'Date', 'Fiscal_Year', 'Fiscal_Quarter', 'Fiscal_Month_Number_Month', 'Fiscal_Month', 'Fiscal_Week',(case when 'Fiscal_Month' == \"October\" then \"September\" when 'Fiscal_Month' == \"November\" then \"October\" when 'Fiscal_Month' == \"December\" then \"November\" when 'Fiscal_Month' == \"January\" then \"December\" end) as 'PrevMonth',(case when 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"Q1\" then \"Q4\" when 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"Q2\" then \"Q1\" when 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"Q3\" then \"Q2\" when 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"Q4\" then \"Q3\"end) as 'PrevQtr',(case when ('Fiscal_Quarter' == \"Q1\" || 'Fiscal_Month' == \"July\") then \"2021\" else \"2022\" end) as 'PrevFY';\n q = foreach q generate 'Date', (case when \"{{cell(q_dynamicDate_1.selection,0,\"Valu\").asObject()}}\" == \"PrevMTD\" then 'PrevMonth' else 'Fiscal_Month' end) as 'Fiscal_Month', (case when \"{{cell(q_dynamicDate_1.selection,0,\"Valu\").asObject()}}\" == \"PrevQTD\" then 'PrevQtr' else 'Fiscal_Quarter' end) as 'Fiscal_Quarter', (case when (\"{{cell(q_dynamicDate_1.selection,0,\"Valu\").asObject()}}\" == \"PrevQTD\" || \"{{cell(q_dynamicDate_1.selection,0,\"Valu\").asObject()}}\" == \"PrevMTD\") then 'PrevFY' else 'Fiscal_Year' end) as 'Fiscal_Year';", Above binding is a pillbox/staticflex query so user either chooses the 2 prev qtr or month which then calculates proper monthqtr and year matching. else defaults to current. Labels and chart titles also should have bindings Qtr or month12/2/2021 / December / q2 / fy22 Q_kpi_DateBinding is a query that uses the dynamic date choice pillbox to determine which filter to turn ‘off’ by inserting a “—” in the main query. Here is the query "q_kpi_dateBinding_1": { "broadcastFacet": true, "groups": [], "label": "q_kpi_dateBinding", "numbers": [], "query": "q = load \"Fiscal_Calendar1\";\nq = group q by all;\nq = foreach q generate \"{{cell(q_dynamicDate_1.selection,0,\"Valu\").asObject()}}\" as 'Date Selected';\nq = foreach q generate 'Date Selected', (case when 'Date Selected' in [\"MTD\",\"PrevMTD\"] then \"\" else \"--\" end) as 'MTD_Binding', (case when 'Date Selected' in [\"QTD\",\"PrevQTD\"] then \"\" else \"--\" end) as 'QTD_Binding';", And the query result when MTD is picked When QTD is picked, query resolves to QTD / -- / null for Date Selected , MTD_Binding , QTD binding respectively This q_kpi_date binding is then bound to main query ‘q_runrates. As you can see form the SAQL, the kpiDateBinding SITES BEFORE the filters. This embed either a “” or a “—” in the q=filter q by….. Embedding a”” keeps that filter ‘on”, embedding a “—” turn off that filter. "query": "q = load \"Fiscal_Calendar1\";\nq = filter q by 'Fiscal_Year' == \"FY22\";\n{{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"QTD_Binding\").asObject()}} q = filter q by 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0,\"Fiscal_Quarter\") .asObject()}}\";\n{{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"MTD_Binding\").asObject()}} q = filter q by 'Fiscal_Month'== \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0,\"Fiscal_Month\"). asObject()}}\";\nq = filter q by date('Date_Year', 'Date_Month', 'Date_Day') in [\"5 years ago\"..\"current day\"];\nq = group q by 'Fiscal_Year';\n q=foreach q generate 'Fiscal_Year' as 'FY', sum('Shipping_Day_Num')- 1 as 'Days Passed' ;\ntotDays = load \"Fiscal_Calendar1\";\ntotDays= filter totDays by 'Fiscal_Year'== \"FY 22\";\n{{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"QTD_Binding\").asObject()}}totDays = filter to tDays by 'Fiscal_Quarter' == \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0,\"Fiscal_Quarter\").as Object()}}\";\n{{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"MTD_Binding\").asObject()}}totDays = filt er totDays by 'Fiscal_Month'== \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0,\"Fiscal_Month\").asObj ect()}}\";\ntotDays = group totDays by 'Fiscal_Year';\ntotDays = foreach 'totDays' generate 'Fiscal_Year' as 'FY', sum('Shipping_Day_Num') as 'Total Days';\nfo = load \"zds_AI_AcctHomeMgrv 4\";\nfo = filter fo by 'Fiscal_Year__c' == \"2022\";\n{{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"QTD _Binding\").asObject()}}fo = filter fo by 'FiscalCdr2All.Fiscal_Quarter' == \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0,\"Fiscal_Quarter\").asObject()}}\";\n {{cell(q_kpi_dateBinding_1.result,0,\"MTD_Binding\").asObject()}} fo = filter fo by 'FiscalCdr2All.Fiscal_Month'== \"{{cell(q_kpi_CurrentFiscal_1.result,0, \"Fiscal_Month\").asObject()}}\";\nfo = group fo by all;\n fo = foreach fo generate sum('{{column(q_RevenueGP_1.selection,[\"Valu3\"]).asObject()}}') as 'Forecast', sum('{{column(q_RevenueGP_1.selection,[\"Valu1\"]).asObject()}}') as 'Quota', sum('{{column(q_RevenueGP_1.selection,[\"Valu2\"]).asObject()}}') as 'Actuals';\n results=union q,totDays,fo;\nresults = group results by all;\nresults = foreach results generate coalesce(sum('Quota'),0) as 'Quota',coalesce(sum('Forecast'),0) as 'Forecast', coalesce(sum('Actuals'),0) as 'Actuals', sum('Total Days') as 'Total Days', sum('Days Passed') as 'Days Passed';\nresults = foreach results generate 'Actuals', 'Forecast', 'Quota', 'Days Passed' as 'Days Passed', 'Total Days' as 'Total Days','Actuals' / 'Days Passed' as 'A' ,'Quota' / 'Total Days' as 'B';\nresults = foreach results generate 'Actuals', 'Forecast', 'Quota', 'Days Passed' as 'Days Passed', 'Total Days' as 'Total Days','A' as 'A','B' as'B','A' / 'B' as 'Run Rate','Quota' - 'Actuals' as 'To Quota';\nresults = foreach results generate 'Actuals', 'Forecast', 'Quota', 'Days Passed' as 'Days Passed', 'Total Days' as 'Total Days','Run Rate',('Quota' * 'Run Rate') as 'RR Dollars';" |